Picture Perfect Art


Tortillas Recipes

My Mom side of the family loves to cook and have a bunch of there own recipes that they make. And one of the ones that I love is my moms tortillas that was handed down to her from her mom. My mom then changed the recipe that she learned from her mom who changed it from her mom.I just love having a family that enjoys being with each other cooking and hanging out like a BBQ or something. I Learned how to make these tortillas but I can’t make them because I can’t roll them with the roller to make them flatten. These project ended up making one GOOD dinner with Chili Verde to go with it!

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These are the tortillas my mom made !

Do any one of you have a family recipes?

I took a Web Poll :      http://www.surveymonkey.com

The Results

-Yes    53.8%

-No      46.2%

Total 13 answered

Tortillas Recipe

1) 8 Cups of Flower

2) 1tbs + 1/2tbs of Table Salt

3)  1tbs + 1/2tbs of Baking Powder

4) 1 Cup of Shortening

-Mix Well

5) Hot Water

-add a little at a time and mix until it becomes dough like

-add shorting to the outside of dough and make small balls

-Let sit for 20 mins then roll and cook

The American Dream?

The American Dream, is it something worth trying to get? Well I think it depends on your situation of your home country.


What’s your name?

–         My name is M.J Ramirez and I am 24 years old.


What Country are you from?

–         I am from Pamapanga, Philippines


When did you arrive to the US?

–         Aug. 2009


Did you know anyone here before you moves and whom?

–         Yea I knew my fiancé R.J.


Before moving to the US what was your prospective of the US?



–          Living in a tropical country all my life, I thought it snowed everywhere in America. Obviously, I now know that it doesn’t. Also, I swear I studied geography but it seemed like in most American movies, there would always be snow in the winter.


–          I though everyone in the States was rich and white, or a term I only learned from living here, Caucasian. Living here, I was very surprised to see homeless people and different races everywhere.

–          I thought people mainly ate burgers, fries, and pizza. I still feel people here eat more fast food than they should.


–          I was a believer in the American Dream. I, like many people, felt it would be easy to make money if you lived in the US. My, was I naïve. I now try to explain to people still living in the Philippines that it is definitely NOT easy and culture here seems to revolve around working all the time.


–          Many areas especially cities are very polluted and dirty in the Philippines. I thought the US would be pristine and clean everywhere. Have you been to East Side San Jose? But seriously, I still think it is a lot cleaner here that’s for sure.


What made you think this about the US?

–          From US films and movies


What was your prospective of the US after arriving and living here?

No Maids

–          No one is cooking for me, cleaning for me. It’s a bit funny. Here in the States, people think maids are for the very rich and might make you think that someone with a maid is snobby or spoiled. In the Philippines, it is common for even lower class families to have a helper or maid in the house. This is also seen as helping out that person by giving them a job and pay.



–          The feeling of community. People here in the States seem to not really know their neighbors whereas in the Philippines, it is normal to know everyone in the community.

–          People here love dogs! Some people treat dogs like children… which is crazy to me! In the Philippines, dogs are simply dogs. It’s common for stray dogs to be seen wandering streets and neighborhoods. And yes, some people do eat dog meat. Personally, I think that is gross.

–          Here in the States, people seem to be a lot more career oriented and in a rush. Time is of the essence! In the Philippines, it is definitely more laid back. There might be a more laid back culture due to many families being supported by overseas workers. Many Filipinos try to work outside of the country to earn more money and support their families.


–          Food! The first restaurant I went to was Denny’s after arriving from the airport. It felt really weird. The menu had unfamiliar food and I have to admit, I was a little upset! Now though, I feel happy that I live in an area known to be a melting pot of races and cultures, mainly because of the food! I have been able to try many types of food. I’ve also discovered my love of a good bbq and rib eye steak! I feel veryAmerican saying that! Hehe.

–          Another funny story is that when I first got here, I went to McDonald’s hoping to order spaghetti. I was laughed at for a while for that. The McDonald’s in the Philippines has spaghetti, chicken, and even rice.


–          I did not know what racism was until I lived here. It’s kind of sad how some people are afraid of other people based on racism and stereotypes!


What made you change your prospective?

–          Moving here for the American dream. I thought it was going to easy to make money but I was wrong



Inspiration For Drawing!

Why not stop and look and appreciate there surrounding! With art you can capture a moment of time and a memory. Most people live there lives blinded, not noticing the beauty that’s in our lives. Weather it is a person or a place art will enhance the beauty of the subject.

  • Art is a skill that can used to better yourself
  • Keep people out of trouble
  • Allows you to fantasize and grow your creativity
  • Chuck Close is an inspiration to look forward to for art
  • Job Paths

Five Reasons For Art

  1. Helps you relax and take your mind off something
  2. It’s a great skill to learn
  3. Learning to do Art trains your eye into seeing something most people can’t see or don’t bother to look for.   Example (Seeing something worth drawing or photographing something that is considered a day-to-day thing that is boring. Maybe a rock formation or a design something makes.
  4. Keeping you occupied from doing something stupid
  5. Its something that is not being done enough or appreciated
If a kid has an interest in something why not encourage it and support them. Keeping kids active in something that you approve is a great way to make sure they stay out of trouble.

The Good The Bad and The Ugly

This is a drawing that I did a little whiles back of Clint Eastwood from the film “The Good The Bad and The Ugly”. Its done in graphite and it is inspired by my favorite Artist Chuck Close

Chuck Close

Chuck Close started off as a Realistic Portrait artist. He would draw pictures for mostly family, friends and celebrities. He would start off as drawing a realistic portrait of his subject then after he would make 2-4 more makes of the same portrait but in different ways. He Would Do one in Thumb Prints, then after he would do a Dotted Digital painting. He eventually had a sad health problem that left him in a wheel chair struggling to move his hands and fingers he didn’t give up. He spent the money to buy an easels that with a push of a button it would move up, down, left, right and even rotate. He would strap the brushes to he hands and paint.        (For More Information about Chuck Close)

Art has come along way from paintings on caves to the Renaissances to Modern Art. For Art its evolving and the demand for it is growing. As long as there is a need for Video games and Movies/ TV shoes then there will always be a need for Artist

There are so many different paths to take from art:

  • Fine Artist
  • Graphic Designers/Artist
  • Art Teacher
  • Concept Artist
  • Fashion Designer
  • Ceramic Designer
  • Photographer
Art is along way from being dead and is still growing with the technology.



My goals is to end up getting a degree for Fine Art either at West Valley or at a Trade School. The interest i have for this class is the actual Art, and photography and thats basicly it. Well I also want to be a scenery designer for video games!